Written By : Bakhtiar Hakeem




  1. As the title says, no comments so let me start with Captain Liddell Hart’s Standard pattern of self-made Despotic Rulers with out any preamble. He goes on to list: -
    1. They exploit state of popular dissatisfaction with the existing regime.
    2. Make unlimited promises, never to be fulfilled.
    3. Claim absolute power for a short time, which never expires.
    4. Frighten public with external and internal dangers. Create demons where none exists.
    5. Get rid of chief helpers.
    6. Suppress criticism.
    7. Enlist support of clergy. Foster a new religion.
    8. Spend public money lavishly on grandiose projects as a compensation for the freedom of thought and spirit.
    9. Create and then claim to destroy the enemies of state, just to direct the attention form internal conditions.
    10. Float slogans as means of riveting the chains of personal authority.
    11. Expand the superstructure of the state while undermining its foundations.
    12. Bread sycophants at the expanse of self-respecting and principled citizens. Float ideas not connected with ground realities.


  1. Liddell Hart concludes; thus ensuring the ultimate collapse under their successor if not in their own stint.   
  2. Why should I spoil the curry by my comments? I should close the eyes, if not completely then half at least.