Written By : Miss Hajra Saeed


Over the decades the West has manipulated the East. The influence of the West has been felt in every sphere of life, i.e. culture, fashion, media, music etc. This is the reason why we are now facing a dilemma. Our society is in a state of complete confusion because of the intermingling of the West and the East. Moreover we have adopted the bad aspects of the West, the foremost being lead away from our religion. In order to attain a high standard of living we have forgotten our selves and our roots. We are now pursuing a path which is not Islamic in nature at all. Whereas it is a fact known to all that if we follow our religion, not only will we, be successful in this life but also in the life hereafter.
Islam is a complete code of life. Whoever embraces Islam discovers that the empty spaces in their lives have been filled upland they become a new person altogether The Holy Quran contains all the guidelines that help us in organizing and living our lives as prescribed by Allah. Therefore if the Muslims mould their lives according to Islamic injunctions, there is no reason why we cannot prosper like the West. Islamic principles are applicable to life as they were 1400 years ago. Islam can make us socially, morally, economically and politically strong in every sphere of life. There was a time when the Muslim civilization was far more vigorous then that of Europe. Muslims were advanced in every field especially in art, literature, music, architecture, science and technology.
Although we do not lag behind in skills and capability, we simply lack the techniques and the proper resources to utilize the potential! Allah has blessed us with.  Therefore we must adopt modern methods of the West and learn from their experience and knowledge. But what we should not adopt is the western customs, social concepts and mannerism, for we have a far superior and rich culture, and a strong faith to go with it. Thus we should drop our materialistic approach taken up from the West. 
In his historic presidential address at Allahabad, Allama Iqbal said "One lesson I have learnt from the history of Muslims. At critical moments in their history it is Islam that has saved Muslims, and not vice versa". This holds true even today, as we have stopped following our religion and believing in Allah and that is why we are, what we are today. Therefore it is time that we start protecting our religion and reinforcing our values for this is the only way we can shield our selves from the evils of the West.