We met for our 7th Monthly Seminar on 27th Nov. We had a new speaker and a new topic. Our worthy life-time member Dr. R M Ikram Azam, who had joined TFP recently, spoke about the Futuristic Theory, and how does it apply to Pakistan.

1. General  We met for our 7th Monthly Seminar on 27th Nov. We had a new speaker and a new topic. Our worthy life-time member Dr. R M Ikram Azam, who had joined TFP recently, spoke about the Futuristic Theory, and how does it apply to Pakistan. Sure, all were inquisitive and excited, and at the end of Talk-cum-Discussion looked forward to listen to him more. The events of the evening unfolded as follows: -

2. The Event Layout. The order was as follows: -    

  2.1 Recitation of Holy Quran, explanation of the meanings and its relevance to our lives. Secretary General (Secy Gen).

  2.2 Welcome and the Opening Note by the Secy Gen.

  2.3 Business of the Forum, by the Secy Gen.

  2.4 The Talk, ‘Futuristic Theory and Real Life Applications: Pakistan’ by Dr. Ikram Azam.      

  2.5 Conclusion & Award of Certificate of Merit. Chairman TFP, Lt Gen Naeem K Lodhi.  

3. Recitation from Holy Quran and its Meanings. Ayah Mubaraka 5: 120 was selected for the occasion. The other related references were mentioned as well. It was in the back drop of two concepts, ‘sovereignty’ and ‘a supreme authority in the world’, in the perspective of international relations and international law. “He says, “Onto Allah belongeth the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and whatsoever is therein. And He is able to do all things. Quran 5:120.  “Allah Himself is witness that there is no God save Him, The Almighty the Wise”. 3:18. “Whosoever doeth that through aggression and do injustice We shall cast him into fire, and that is ever easy for Allah”. 4:30. “O ye who believe! Be ye staunch in justice….So follow not passion lest ye lapse…” 4: 135. “…give full measure and full weight in justice…if you give your word then do justice thereunto. …” 6:152.   “And of Moses folk there is a community who lead with truth and establish justice therewith” 7:159 and 11: 85.


4. Welcome Note and the Opening Words

  4.1 Secy Gen warmly welcomed all. “It is indeed an honour and pleasure to say welcome to you all, at the monthly seminar, ladies and gentlemen. Your time and efforts are invaluable, since it is for the cause of Better Pakistan. Pakistan, the common identity, our flagship and the shared platform. You are here at the invitation of Chairman TFP, Lt Gen Naeem K Lodhi.

4.2 Introduction of the New Members and the Guests. We had three new guests.

    4.2.1 Dr. Shamsa Nawaz. I have been told by Dr. Ikram Azam, she is joining TFP as a regular member. Will be looking forward to get her detailed introduction. She is a research scholar at Institute of Strategic Studies.  Dr. Ikarm, introduced her as his ‘illustrious niece’.

  4.2.2 Col Shaid Saleem. Gen Lodhi introduced him to be a learned and scholarly person. Dear Col Shahid TFP needs people like you.

  4.2.3 Mr. Aized Ikram Azam. He joined the Seminar a little late. We welcome you warmly, and invite you to join us. We at TFP stand for Better Pakistan.

5. Business of the Forum. There were three points on the Agenda. These were:

 5.1 Better Morrow (BM)

   5.1.1There is a separate account for TFP-BM. It is in deficit by Rs. 133, 743 as of today. Statement of acct Annex B.

   5.1.2 The libraries and others, subscribing for BM, number fifteen today. Details at Annex C.

5.2 AMS Report. Total receipts for the year Rs. 1.916 Mn. Have disbursed Rs. 1.619 Mn among 32 students at 9 different institutions. Annex D.

5.3 Monthly Statement of Accts.

6. The Talk, ‘Futuristic Theory and Real Life Applications: Pakistan’ by Dr. Ikram Azam. It turned out to be an exciting novelty for almost all the audience. It was both new to learn that it is being taught as a discipline at different universities, and made further interesting by the communication skills of the experienced speaker. Many questions, enquiries and comments ensued, but much like the mysterious nature of the future the answers remained both subtle and elusive. Essential and salient features are part of the Brief attached as Annex A.  Sure more to come in this regard, in near future.

7. Conclusion Gen Lodhi concluded the evening with due appreciation for the learned and experienced speaker. The evening came to a close with award of Certificate of Merit to Dr. Ikram Azam.  Chairman also approved the recommendation by Secy General, to pay the Office Secretary Mr. Muhammad Qasim, an honoraria of Rs. 200/- for every MS, he serves.     

8. Accounts A defaulters list is being sent out to all. Care will be exercised to send it as reminder to defaulters only. Annex E. Please, please help run the Forum, thru timely and full payment of annual subscription. The Statement of Acct is at Annex F.

                                                                                                                                                         Secretary General

Annexes (enclosed primarily for those are not in e-group and who did not attend)

  • Brief on Talk, ‘Futuristic Theory and Real Life Applications: Pakistan’ by Dr. Ikram Azam
  • TFP-BM. Statement of Accts
  • Subscribers for BM
  • AMS Report
  • List of Defaulters
  • Statement of Monthly Accts